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Messages - Weightlifting

To williaer: Thanks for your post, and yes, we have a thing or two in common. I am actually posting on behalf of my husband. But, like you stated, the race issue is only going to be PART of our argument. It is one among many issues. God bless you and your family this holiday season!

To mistoffolees: Thanks for your post as well, and no, the issue of race is not our only argument. Although, I have found about a dozen past cases involving bi-racial children where race did play a critical role, and although it was not the sole determining factor, it was at least a concern to the courts. There was actually a case in IL that was ruled on in July 2005 where a bi-racial daughter was awarded to her Black mother primarily because of race. And yes, I realize we are walking into a mine field. We realize this will be a controversial subject, but it is a subject that needs to be heard in the least.
Custody Issues / Custody Argument based on Race
Dec 08, 2006, 08:58:09 PM
I was wondering if anybody has any information or knows anyone where they received primary custody due to the issue of race. I am Black and my children's mother is White. Currently we share joint custody but she is primary and I receive visitation during the summer, holidays, and spring break because I live out of state. Although, I feel this needs to be changed for my children's sake. Their mother's family is very prejudiced and not accepting of Black people, yet our children are half Black. They are not being raised in an environment that supports that part of their heritage and I feel that this may cause emotional and identity problems for my daughters growing up in this type of an environment. For example, my daughters were with me for the summer and both of them had always wanted to have their hair braided with corn rows, so I made them an appointment to have that done. Both of my daughters loved their braids. Keep in mind, the braids should have lasted them approx. 2 months and they were put in only two days before they were scheduled to go back to their mothers. Well, within a week of them arriving back to their mothers she took the braids out because she did not like them. This was against what the girls wanted and I feel was done because she did not like the fact that the braids were representative of the Black culture.

Does anyone have any advice on this matter in terms of this argument in court?