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Messages - infoman

Dear Socrateaser / question from New Jersey
Aug 31, 2006, 01:30:59 PM
Hi.  I moved out of the family home about 18 months ago.  Our divorce was final this past month.  Our temp orders had me paying the mortgage and child support.  Our final orders have me paying permanent alimony to my ex (slightly higher amount the first year to help her establish herself) and child support.  We have joint legal, with her being the parent of primary residence.

My ex advised me that the power was cut off today due to a back balance (current month bill is paid) created since I have moved out of the home.  She has asked me to keep the children overnight tonight, after my regular time with them, because of the lack of power.

1.   Is there anything that I can do to take advantage of this situation?


Father's Issues / question from New Jersey
Aug 31, 2006, 01:31:51 PM
Hi. I moved out of the family home about 18 months ago. Our divorce was final this past month. Our temp orders had me paying the mortgage and child support. Our final orders have me paying permanent alimony to my ex (slightly higher amount the first year to help her establish herself) and child support. We have joint legal, with her being the parent of primary residence.

My ex advised me that the power was cut off today due to a back balance (current month bill is paid) created since I have moved out of the home. She has asked me to keep the children overnight tonight, after my regular time with them, because of the lack of power.

1. Is there anything that I can do to take advantage of this situation?

