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Messages - vetswife


I've got the court transcripts to prove all of this.  I've contacted about 23 different media outlets around the country, no one will return the messages.  Except one guy, he told me to dress up like a superhero and stage a protest on top of a building.  But, I need to stay out of jail to keep my license to practice and protect my daughter...

I guess at this point, I'm looking at having to refinance my house and borrow 125% to try to settle this.   I just don't get it, the order says, "If ex-wife is required to pay any money discharged on (my) bankruptcy, then it is a material change in circumstances and he will pay all of ex-wife's payments, as well as her increased income tax liability."  She testified in June she hasn't had to pay a cent.  When her attorney asked if I'd made the payments, I said no.  Juged looked at me and said, "It is obvious you have no respect for this court."  Huh?  Attorney thinks that he wants to punish me for appealing his decisions.

By the way, my daughter was abused again last Thursday, (she confided to me on the phone, I recorded it) no response from CPS a week later.  
I seperated from ex and raised my dd6 from birth to 18 mo when judge granted full custody to her to quote, "punish" me for having an affair during our marriage.  At the time of seperation, I owned a business in which ex was the guarantor on the note.  I wound up having to file bankruptcy due to business failure.  The debt was discharged through Fed. Bank. Court.  In the divorce, she said she didn't want to be responsible and the court ordered that IF she had to pay any of the debt, he'd make me pay it in alimony.  The bank got a judgement against her, (she worked out $1000 month payment) but has not contacted her or required payment from her in over three years. She has never paid a cent.
I recently sued ex for custody of our 6 year old daughter.  Abuse has been reported 7 times and 3 forensic experts testified that she is abused by her mother.  The judge has always hated me and denied my request to change custody.  I am appealing, but have spent $30 grand in this battle.  

The day after his decision, ex filed a contempt order for failing to pay the alimony - money she has never been required to pay.  Isn't there some kind of protection from the bankruptcy court to make sure that the debt remains discharged?  Wouldn't this be considered a transfer of debt?  (The judge ordered several changes to try and financially destroy me so that I cannot follow through on the appeal.  He has even leaned on my attorney's firm to w/draw.)  What do you think?
I don't know if you already have done so...I don't know what DFS is, but I would call Child Protection Services (they have a hotline) immediately.  Take pictures of any suspicious bruises and document everything.
I am so sorry for what you have been through.  Your poor daughter.  Mine is also starting to be manipulated.  My ex has been in contempt many times, but the judge does not care.  There was even a court order against her leaving my daughter with ex's father, whom she testified in court sexually molested my ex and her sister throughout their whole childhood.  But she still leaves my daughter with him.  

I have contacted about 25 media entities at this time, hopefully someone will get back.  The problem is, ex is the town sweetheart, literally saving people's pets and the only police dog...How could anyone think of her as a child abuser?  Not to mention, I had an affair 7 years ago, and the judge has never let me live it down.  I married the woman with whom I had the affair, but in his recent decision letter, he referred to her as "the girlfriend."

I'm not giving up.  I don't care if I have a pot to p*** in or a window to throw it out of.  So long as my daughter is protected.

My six-year old daughter has been and is being abused by her mother, a diagnosed narcissist.  (Joan Crawford suffered from Narcissistic Personality Disorder as portrayed in the movie, Mommy Dearest.  It is the same Narcissistic Rages that cause my ex-wife to abuse our daughter. )  My ex-wife admitted to hitting my daughter, leaving her alone with a known child-molester, throwing objects and striking her in the head, digging her fingers into her flesh and drawing blood, locking her in the car, and many other acts.  Two forensic child abuse experts and an independent child psychologist with 33 years experience testified in court that she was abused by her mother.  This case was in Nebraska.
The judge heard testimony from the CPS worker who stamped every complaint unfounded.  However, she testified in court that she found violations and visited with the mother about them.  She also testified to have been a client of ex.  The judge also heard testimony from the school counselor, in whom my daughter confided the abuse.  However, the counselor, a mandated reporter, covered up the abuse and refused to report.  The counselor was present for at least one interview with CPS and my daughter.  This goes against child forensics interview protocol.  During investigation with Highway Patrol, my ex-wife called the counselor at home to find out when she last injured the child. The counselor later called my ex-wife at home to find out how she was holding up during the investigation.  
The judge admitted into evidence a taped interview by Nebraska State Patrol in which she admitted to, but downplayed the abuse, blaming the child for being "bad."  The judge refused to allow the tape to be played in court.  

Many people have been helpful in this case, however, the one person that can make the decision, Judge, has refused to do so.  Years ago, I had an affair and this same judge has been determined to punish me at my daughter's expense ever since.  Because of his own prejuduce, this judge refuses to do the right thing by a child.  The psychologist has even said that ex might "split her skull," as evidenced by her past actions.  The judge did not care!
This isn't about who wins or loses, the problem is that the child is left with no protection.  The psychologist wrote that "it appears that there was a blatant disregard of this child's welfare by an entire cadre of individuals who have interacted with this family during the past five-plus years."  Judge left no protection of my daughter in place.  He attempted to punish me for trying to protect my daughter.  He cut my visitation to 1/3, raised my child support another $300, ordered me to pay $18,000 to hinder my ability to continue my efforts to try to protect her, and ordered that I cannot seek any medical treatment for her (even if I suspect abuse).  Oh, he even ordered that I can't hug or kiss her goodbye after my visits.
The psychologist also said, "While there may be more than sufficient evidence that (ex) is unfit to parent her daughter because of a personality disorder as evidenced by psychological testing and affirmed by her own past actions, whether or not these actions have been substantiated by child protective services, or the child's school, the usual protective safeguards to protect this child are not currently in place as evidenced by this evaluation..."
I raised my daughter from birth because my ex didn't want her until she claimed "postpartum depression," and this same judge gave her custody 18 mo. later.  There was evidence of abuse by her mother even at the first trial and the judge didn't care.  Now my daughter is telling people what her mom is doing to her and she wants to live with me.  I have paid child support, medical bills, childcare, and health insurance every month.  I have kept and fought for every visitation I've ever been allowed by the court, even though I live out of state.  The judge gave no reason for leaving her with the person abusing her.

My attorney has advised appeal and going to the media.  I know this was very long, but any advice would be helpful.