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Messages - want2visit

Dear Socrateaser / new visitation agreement
Sep 14, 2006, 05:44:12 PM
I live in PA, my ex-wife lives in KY.
I have not been able to see my son for 3 years, he is now 12.
1. She keeps moving and not leaving her phone number (even changing her name)
2. When I do find her she refuses to let me see my son or arrange to see him.
3. When I have seen my son, it is never without her.
We have no formal visitation or custody agreement.

Two and a half years ago I appreared in court for child support arrears and have been paying extra to get caught up since. However there is still a second warrant because I did not appear in their courts for a second time due to living one year in California. I will have to answer to their courts for this, I don't have a problem dealing with this issue.

All I want is to be able to see my son, have a relationship with him.

1. Do I file for visitation rights?
2. Do I file in KY?
3. Will my child support issues be a mark against me in visitation court?
