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Messages - brwneyedmom

Father's Issues / Re: wife left with our children
Aug 07, 2015, 04:06:49 PM
Yes, jump quickly if she has not filed paperwork yet. The general rule that I was taught that he/she who files first, wins. If you want more parenting time, this would be an ideal time to request at least 50%. By limiting your access, she is shooting herself in the foot; courts don't like to see parents play games, in general.
Make everything about what is best for your children. And treat her like a hostile business. Be professional, calm and come here to rant and rave.
Custody Issues / Re: child custody
Jun 09, 2015, 02:06:46 AM
Excellent list Waylon.
You rock!
I read this post as a person writing in with what had been done to him/her. It seems very sarcastic and angry; not a victory posting at all.
I also see this as a fine example of how a divorce can escalate to the point of one parent doing this to the other with no regard or feeling for his/her children. Maybe it should be pinned or archived as an example of what NOt to do.
This was done to me in my divorce by my non-custodial ex husband- not to the full extent, but I recognized a lot of what he had done 20 years ago. It has echoes today from our 24 year old son who is still coping with the fallout.
Father's Issues / Re: Kitty's husband.....
Feb 11, 2015, 05:52:51 PM
That is good news. I hope for speedy and uneventful recovery for him and for lots of strength and patience for her.
Chit Chat / Re: Gun Trader
Jan 13, 2015, 01:47:29 AM
Ha! Someone stole your website design and it was ......YOU!!
Father's Issues / Re: a book about our lives
Sep 24, 2014, 02:13:48 AM
Cory, please just do research on vaccine safety. They are well-studied, safe for the majority of the population, and protect those who cannot get immunized due to other chronic conditions such as cancer, autoimmune disease, HIV/AIDS, and weakened immune systems.
There have been no studies linking vaccine to autism in any way.
I am a nurse who made sure my son was vaccinated; his father didn't care one way or another.
However, I had seen the effects of German measles on a child infected in utereo. He was blind, deaf, and mentally handicapped to the level of a one year old child. FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.  His mother was infected by a child who had not been vaccinated, and she had never had the disease either.
Your ex may have gotten correct information. The sites recommended on this post are credible medical sites. Vaccines generally are free to low cost, covering the actual injection supplies and personnel who are administering the vaccine. You cannot make an informed decision based on poor information. You need accurate info before you decide which side of the fence you belong.
Chit Chat / Re: Now and then.......
Jul 17, 2014, 12:14:43 AM
I'm not too sure of any of that, but I do know that Who's on first....
I am sorry for your loss, Davy.
My ADHD son loved music and art, so he had electives of both until the school dropped art classes. That's when he dropped out. School didn't hold anything meaningful for him. Next time you see him, let him talk and just listen. No advice. No punishment. Just listen to what is in and on his mind. If you play a game like Uno, you won't be making eye contact and he will talk more.
I could have written your post, word for word almost. Your son has an extra burden of abuse. He needs counseling to work through the abuse and his anger that he is feeling.
One other thing, my son smoked pot because it brought his zinging mind back into focus. It was an ADHD treatment that he liked. A LOT. I believe in cell phone alarms now.
And ask yourself the question of do you really want your children home alone with her for days on end if she is abusive enough to hit you, rip up their toys, and scream what you are doing wrong at them. Believe me, if you leave, it will get worse. Think about your children as you answer this question.
Protect your children and yourself from her raging. DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE unless there is a court order. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE, unless there is a court order. Your counselor (who has NEVER met your wife) is giving you advice to save a marriage that your wife may not want to save.
You should be treating your wife in a business-like arrangement. Keep emotion out of it- this will only make things worse.
This is all advice learned from hard experience. Listen to ocean- she has more scars than I do. She knows what she is talking about and is trying to save your relationship with your children.