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Messages - kshanks

Father's Issues / updated info
Sep 22, 2006, 10:49:23 AM
I called the courts this morning and things just continue getting more complicated. The good thing is the case is still open. The bad part is my former lawyer is still assigned to the case...

I tried the listed phone number for her and it is disconnected. After some research, it turns out she skipped the area with her last client's money.

I need to figure out how to get another lawyer assigned to pick the case up again.
I am looking to get anything I can... I just want the opportunity to be in her life, something my ex has obviously not allowed me. My wife, and our friends and I all agree she does not provide a stable home. She moves around a lot, purposely, as she makes it clear I am merely the donor. I wish for my daughter to know she has younger siblings and that I do love her.

Father's Issues / Do I have rights, what do i do?
Sep 21, 2006, 10:45:21 AM
Codi and I had been dating approx. A year when we discovered she was pregnant. I was involved throughout the entire pregnancy and was there when my daughter, Enchantress, was born, all the while living together. Codi and I continued living together for about 6 months after her birth, but upon separating I was denied any visitation or contact with my infant daughter. I offered money to support our daughter's needs and it was accepted on numerous occasions. I kept receipts with Codi's signature for verification. I also visited a lawyer and made an attempt at a parenting plan, keeping all paperwork for my records, including a restraining order denying codi from leaving the area with our daughter. But nothing was ever finalized between our lawyers concerning the parenting plan. Codi handwrote an agreed parenting plan and child support amount, which we both signed and had notarized. At approximately, Enchantress's one year birthday they disappeared from the area, leaving no forwarding address or contact information. Around 2 years later Codi and I ran into eachother while out downtown and she expressed that she wanted me to be a part of Enchantress's life. We exchanged numbers and after a few phone calls met up at Finnegans Restaurant. Codi and I agreed to meet with her and I and Enchantress, to ease Enchantress into the idea. Our second meeting was at Sizzler and I brought my wife and other daughter, then 1 to meet her big sister. We met a few other times, always in public places. To my wife and I, things always seemed to go smoothly. The 3 of us had even discussed meeting with a lawyer and building a parenting plan together. On one occasion we took her to Wal-Mart and bought her hair things. But suddenly, Codi had a change of mind, she began denying me to see Enchantress, again. I tried her number several times and she had seemed to disappear. Several friends quoted seeing her around so I knew she was still in the area. Around a year later, my family and I relocated to El Paso, Texas. We have since received child support papers twice, due to the fact I was in Basic Training when the first set of papers were issued. The first set was dismissed because I was out of contact. I received the second set, which I returned with any former papers I had between Codi and myself. ie: proposed parenting plan, restraining order, notarized parenting plan and child support agreement, logged phone conversations, receipts for things I bought for my daughter

Do I have a chance? If so, where do I start?