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Messages - Pedro

Dear Socrateaser / Visitation
Oct 16, 2006, 02:47:26 PM
Dear Soc

First off I am desperate and all out of options. Iam in Los Angeles,California.
Here are the facts

1. I have a 5 yearld son, mother has physical custody, we have joint legal custody. Mother and I have never been married.

2. I have visitation rights 1st 3rd and 5th weekends and odd ending year's holidays are for me.

3.For the past 3 almost 4 years she has given me nothing but problems when it comes to seeing my son.

4. I filed in 2004 for visitation so that I could have actual documentation, before I saw my son at her convenience not that it is any difference now. Then I modified visitation in 2005 and again this year 2006.

5. This year around May I got a court order which states my rights listed in #2. Since then I have had sherrifs escort me back and forth from the house where my son and his mother are. This way the cops would help eliminate any type of confrantions like in the past with some of her other family members.

6.Once back in June when she was staying at her father's house I showed up and father said she and my son no longer where there and he did not know where she was. I proceeded to file a police report in case i had to file for contempt

7. then I found her at mothers house and I kept being escorted by sheriff to and from pick ups of my son.

8. Finally now in September she moved again and her mother refuses to tell me where I can find her. So I filed anther police report stating that she is not compling with court order.

9. I filed for a modification of Visitation so that I can try and get full custody. But now I cannot find her again. I have court documents to serve her with. But I cannot find her to serve her

10. She has 3 other older children with her ex-husband and I really don't know the situation with her other children, but I do remember that the time I was with her, she also gave other dad problems with visitation. She bounces from city to city, she has no job, she lives off of the child support from all her 4 kids.

11. Is their anything I can do to find her?

12. Can I file for contempt?

13. What should I do, I miss my son and hate that she keeps playing yo-yo with his feelings.

14. I will be getting married in1 year and I just want him to live with me, I would never take him away from forming a relationship with his mother, but I would love for him to live with me. Is their anything I can do?

Pete in LA