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Messages - Rich100

Father's Issues / 50/50...
Nov 03, 2006, 10:26:10 AM
seems like the best shot. BM has been primary caregiver for 9 mos, but only b/c BF was took a higher-paying position he thought would better provide for his family. Up to that point I would say it was a pretty equal arrangement once BM went back to work. In fact, child was in day-care, but BF would feed, bathe, and spend time with child at night while BM was taking classes. It wasn't until after he left for the job BM hit him with the papers b/c BM didn't want to move.

Child support is killing him too. He makes a well above average salary but can barely pay expenses.

to me, the point is BM has filed the petition out of sheer anger and seemed generally unwilling to try reconcilation. Shouldn't there be some kind of penalty for this? Do the courts even care about why someone wants to willingly break up a family and put an innocent child through this?
Father's Issues / How do we win?
Nov 03, 2006, 09:36:40 AM
I'm an interested party in a brewing custody battle. BF has higher income, graduate degree, good parenting skills, can cook, has a network of family and friends nearby including his mother and father, he attends church, doesn't smoke or drink an generally comes from a more stable background. BM, while she seems to have decent parenting skills, has lower income, less education, very small support network in her area, and she filed the petition to divorce, while the BF has sought marriage counseling. If the roles were reversed and he was the BM, it's a no-brainer, but it seems the odds are stacked against the BF in today's court system.

for the sake of the child (2 yrs old) I want the BF to win, or at least get joint custody so he can have an influence on his child's life.