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Messages - charlescloudy

Father's Issues / I want joint custody
Nov 03, 2006, 11:03:24 AM
I need help on getting joint custody. There are a few things against me on getting this. I live in Washington, who is known to favor women. Also the mother told me I wasn't the father and pretty much told me to never go around her again. She said there was someone else who was the father. On July 1st of this year we bump into each other, and she confesses that I am the dad. Ever since then I have been there for my daughter. We took a test, it came up positive. What is big that is against me is, she never filed with WA that I am the dad. So they still think that there is no father. She did this because the state is giving her money, as long as there is no father on the birth certificate. I am worried she is going to use this against me to get full custody, and refuse me access to her. That she will say I've never been around. The only documentation I have is the DNA results, that I have found out to not be court legal. I have no documentation of the time I've spent with my daughter (4-6 days a week), or the money i've given the mother (cash and me just out right buying groceries). The mother, when she has been drunk, says she will be taking her away from me. Threated to disapear, for no reason.
The only chance I have is to go for custody first, before her money runs out, from the state and she desides to go after me. This will at least prove to the court I care enought about my daughter to be the one to start it.
I have no idea of what to do. Who do I go to? How do I start this?
Any advice is welcome.
Thank you,