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Messages - MikeyD

Is there a special form that one can file through court regarding a specified child support amount agreed upon by both parties if no one
files to get CS?

I just found out I have a daughter and her mother and I have agreed
not to do things in a nasty battle and we have agreed on a CS payment.
I do want this documented though.  I want "something" to say that I am
giving her $xxx amount towards child support.

Is there such a thing?  I'm new at all of this, so any help will be appreciated.

Thank you,
General Issues / I'm scared now lol
Nov 15, 2006, 01:11:37 PM
it clearly says (#9) not to ask that.  I'll contact the admin again.

Thanks a lot.
General Issues / yes, I know lol, but
Nov 15, 2006, 11:03:08 AM
I asked the administration of this board how I could send him a message and their reply was,

"send Socrateaser a private message from the message board."

When I go there, it's not possible to do, so I thought there was another way.  I'm computer dumb and I'm new to all of this.

My X is not, and I'm sure she's around here somewhere, so I don't want to publicly post any details, but I sure need some guidance.  I don't even know where to begin and someone told me this site and Socrateaser was a good start.

Guess I can't send him anything in private.

Thanks very much for taking the time to reply.

General Issues / The admin said I could
Nov 15, 2006, 10:12:18 AM
I e-mailed the admin here and they told me to join the site and send him a private messge.  I didn't find a place where I can do that.

Who here can I e-mail who pretty much knows the way the court system works.  Mainly on visitation guidelines for a child that was taken out of the country?

Thank you
General Issues / Private message for Socrateaser
Nov 15, 2006, 09:24:06 AM
I didn't know where to post this.

I was told you can send Socrateaser a private post?  Can someone tell me how to do that.  I am desperate for answers, but cannot post public.

Thank you,