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Messages - dkt777

Custody Issues / RE: This is a challenge
Nov 16, 2006, 10:41:09 AM
Thank you you for your reply. Let me  answer/comment some of your questions. My ex and I cannot talk unless she needs money. I see my girls on average once every 2 months, avg cost is about $400-500per visit. I have my own rep business but after life expenses, job expenses, child support, I do not have much left over for long weekend trips. She is supposed to meet me half way (Columbus) but refuses. I do plan on going up to see them in a few weeks and will make arrangements with her teachers to do a conference. I will also explain why I believe why her grades are so terrible..her mother does not monitor homework, just let's her do it, wrong or right.  No time is spent with her b/c her mother is too busy with everything else. Just plain neglect.

It is pretty sad that her mother does nothing but complain about having to "do it all" and I offer to take one and give her some relief until she can get her life together only to have her tell me off.

I can take her to court to enforce the following (have already researched a bit)

1. Lower child support - current amount $691.46month but I give her 700
2. Call INS and tell them she is harboring an illegal (do not want to do that as I do not want to start a war with her)
3. Enforce the meeting me half way.

I just don't know what I am going to do..........
Custody Issues / Custody situation
Nov 15, 2006, 09:09:30 AM
I will make this short and detailed. i need help/reccomendation for my situation. I have 2 daughter 8 & 11. Me and ex divorced 5 yrs ago. She moved to Cleveland from Northern KY, which I had given her permission. At the time she was needing more help than I could give and her family lives up there. My 8 yr old is very relisient and does really well with school etc... My 11 yr old is very awkward and is doing terrible in school. My ex is living in a 2 bdrm apartment which includes: Herself, my 2 daugthers (whom share a room), an illegal mexican and a todler from him. I had requested from my ex to let me have temp custody of my 11 yr old to focus on her schooling, give her a bit more space, and work on her activity level. She keeps them pretty cooped up in that apartment. My 11yr old has expressed wanting to live with me. I feel I can help her as she takes after me alot and I understand her. Where should I start. I live in Northern KY outside of Cincinnati.