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Messages - theconfused

Custody Issues / RE: Help on 1 Year Old
Nov 29, 2006, 05:22:47 PM
You are wrong. Custody has not been established. Divorce can happen without addressing child custody. It happened in this situation. The police have been questioned about the situation in both counties that the parents reside in. There is no custody. Can the mother, who has the child, get full custody of the child without the consent of the father?
Custody Issues / Help on 1 Year Old
Nov 20, 2006, 08:18:22 AM
I need help. Here's the story:

A couple lives together in Missouri, gets married, and has a child. The mother decides to see some friends at her hometown and brings the nine month old with her. She calls her husband and says that she's not coming back and says she's divorcing him. They go to court and sign the papers. No custody over the child was issued or hardly even spoken about. There is nothing about it in the divorce papers. Mother said she wouldn't keep daughter away from father. She lied. Since there is no custody issued, although father pays child support, can the father legally get ahold of the baby (who's now 1) and take her home with him?