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Father's Issues / No rights to my kids
Dec 11, 2006, 01:18:27 PM
My name is Milton. I am the father of two wonderful children. About four months ago I left my wife because our marriage wasn't working out, however, I had to leave my children too. Now she will not allow me to see my children. When we were together I was an at-home dad. I did all the things that a houseperson would do--including caring for the children. I was the primary caregiver of those children. It is hard for me to get use to not seeing my kids everyday. The idea of not seeing them at all is even more difficult to accept. My brothers tell me that the court system ALWAYS work in the good of the woman, but I have decided to explore whatever few options there are for me. Any advice I can receive would be very helpful. What should I do? Please advise.