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Messages - suzyq1

Dd's always had custody.child is now 9 yrs old.2 yrs ago BM voluntarily gv her rights by signing legal paper brot up by attorney.judge entered order in court terminating rights of mother pro se

all parties agreed to give full control,custody and tuition to the paternal grandparents since child had been with them for 8+ of his 9 yrs.

now BM is trying to threaten w/a motion to show cause of change of circumstances to hv visits & phone privs.w/child.shes threatening for him hving to cm to NH for visits,then she will get custody of him.

she said the order and what she signed was illegal. can this possibly be when an attorney took care of all this?The judge signed the order and the file closed out in Raleigh,NC on 5-22-2002.

PLEASE HELP! child heard her on ans mach & is very distraught that she or somene else is coming to get him.very anxious.

BM regained custody of other child ,thru a tragedy,she "sold" thru an adoption agency while married,husb found out & got child.DSS help BM get child BM is saying DSS is willing to help her get son back & will be in court to tesify how shes chnged.(PS)she is a product of DSS & the folks know her frm being in the fostercare..we're ALL in NC & she is in NH.need anymore info ask me.

1. does she hv a leg 2 stand on?
2. can i put a stop to her phone calls demanding 2 speak 2 her son?
3. the childs godfather is a judge,can he get involved now that he is released thru BM's termination?
Can this be done w/ref 2 voluntarily terminating one's parental rights?presented pro se before crt by attorney,signed & ordered by judge,will this be binding if terminating BP chngs mind 4 yrs later & wants relationship w/child? thnx
i hv an order signed by judge of mothers voluntary termination of 4 yrs ago, now she is trying to say it was illegal and wants phone & visitation privs.child is 9 & had been with father & paternal gparents frm time of 15 mos. she is filing motion for change of circumstance(hers i suppose)what u think.any chance?