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Messages - peterb

Father's Issues / RE: Father begging for HELP
Dec 28, 2006, 10:18:26 PM
Of note is that nobody can file a custody case unless one of the two parents has been a resident of Florida for 6 months.
If it actually took you 6 months to find them Florida may (and apprently have) decided that they are "residents" of Florida.

If your wife/ex is in Jail for drugs than they fall under chapter 39 of the FL statutes (dependency).  The State, specifically, the DCF should have tried to conatct/find you before placing your son with grandparents.

I've learned this by getting that "phone call" from a DCF investigator while I was deployed to Arkansas for military training. The school principal told them to call me when the ex left her crack pipe and drugs in the school bathroom.

DOCUMENT EVERYTHING! Chapter 39 proceedings are shielded from the public to "protect" the child. You have a huge fight on your hands with the Florida courts (my ex was given a public defender, I have to pay $$ for mine, and the judge tells me I need to be more "sympathetic" to the problems my ex is facing).

I stand to loose my second job because of my ex (cant get my school done, she keeps messing up), this job ammounts to 3k+ a month in retirement benefits plus whatever else I scrounge up. No sympathy from the judge in that respect.

I'm praying for you bro, keep the faith, keep your notes in detail, and keep trying. Your greatest asset is at risk here.

Best of luck, God's speed.