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Messages - stepmomtogreatkids

Custody Issues / RE: Help on 1 Year Old
Jan 02, 2007, 08:51:02 PM
Take it to court and get it in writing.  Once it's written in the custody papers, she cannont legally refuse you.
Father's Issues / RE: Behavior Issues
Jan 06, 2007, 10:00:31 PM
Now my husbands daughter says that she isn't coming down anymore.  What should we do?  Should we tell her it's ok that she doesn't want to come down?  Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Father's Issues / RE: Behavior Issues
Jan 05, 2007, 10:52:41 AM
Thank you so much for the advice.  It is greatly appreciated.
Father's Issues / Behavior Issues
Jan 04, 2007, 08:51:45 PM
My husband's daughter is a sweet girl (9 years old), I love her to death.  My problem is this:  Any time my husband has to discipline her, she flips out on him.  She yells, screams, threatens to not come down anymore.  She tells him that we (my husband and I) do nothing for her, that we only do things for his two boys.  I am at my wits end...she is a great little girl, but seems to have severe anger issues.  I know she will be a teenager soon, but is this just her being a teenager too soon, or is this something we should really be concerned about?  Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!
