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Messages - fathersquest

she has probation and suspendid liscence in ga 8 mo. left. only been in fl for 3 weeks.says coming back to live in ga.???!!shouldnt be a valid legit move to fl without prob knowing..paternity ack says im father and shes mother signed by both. filed with ga vital records.she has no clue this exists.child is 3. no school .never tight for lawyer,new lawyer situation is iffy right now.but i know is crit. thanks to all for advice.
Custody Issues / pa paper. what now
Jan 03, 2007, 10:39:25 PM
father in need. found out i signed a pa  when child born. mother doesnt remember. she took kid to fl. for a month to visit her family.what can i do now. dont we have equal rights?she always takes off and leaves child with me while she gets her thoughts together. this makes the 10th time . tired. time for stability. i have my own home and job. she has nothing and is a stripper.if she creates residence for him in fl. can i still file for cus in ga.?