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Messages - jmoffit

first i thank you for your reply!

The reasons for the previous questions were because in november 2006 in ohio i filed for modification of custody due to mother not allowing visitation,they had been in south carolina for two years at that point,however advice i was given was to file for modification here in ohio,papers were filed and she was served in south carolina,last week she informed me she was not coming to ohio for court ,stating that she had registered the order in south carolina in august,it seems the courts in s.c. would have been required to notify me in some way of the registration of the court order.

thank you!
I am a party to a court ordered visitation order in ohio,the other party claims she had registered the court order in the state she moved to(south carolina) four months ago,i had not received any notice from the court regarding the registration of the order there,should the south carolina courts have notified me in some way?

Another question is since this court order is not being followed,and i have to travel to south carolina to seek enforcement,would she be liable for my attorney fees and associated costs to go there?

thanks in advance