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Messages - Oni Damiao

Custody Issues / Pulling out my hair!!!!!!
Jan 26, 2007, 08:22:14 AM
:(  I am recently divourced in December and my ex was engaged to her new guy in dec also, she is forcing my son to call him daddy and he spanks my son no matter what I say , I fight with this guy over the phone cos he is forcing himself on my kids and they are getting confused, the dust hasnt even setteled from the D and she is trying to make an instant family. I have joint custody with my ex and now she is trying to move out of state. I know I have parental rights and she is violating them every day. I call and she doesnt answer the phone when I want to talk to my son she answers it if she feels like it and I need help I need to stop her from moving, the divource decree stated that we have joint custody and I get my kids on the weekends, How do i keep here can any one help im pulling out my hair over this, she is refusing to follow the decree only unless it suits her she hasnt let me get my items out of the house yet!!!  Please help