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Messages - Shenzi414

Child Support Issues / Change in CS amount?
Feb 12, 2007, 07:26:23 PM
Hello. I am hoping someone might be able to give me a little advice. Dh has joint legal custody and secondary custody of his 6 year old daughter. We have her EOWE, 1 night a week for 3 hours, and 50% of holidays during the school year. During the summer we have 50% or more.

Currently DH pays approximately $500 dollars a month to BM. She doesn't have an income. She informed us a month ago that she wants to get a job. My stepdaughter announced the other day that her sisters go to daycare now. I am curious..if she did get a job, does this need to be reported to CS? If she did get a job, could this lower the CS amount my DH pays?

If it matters any, we live in Wisconsin.
