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Messages - davidablack

General Issues / Move Away Parent
Mar 07, 2007, 08:41:14 PM
My wife moved out of State on Feb 1st 2007. I could not prevent this as I did not have the funds for an Attorny. I am saving for a divorce. I am sending her $700 per month as child support. I fly there (form Los Angeles to Seattle) for one weekend per month. She has not worked in the last several years and is on disability. I video chat with my son day and night. However, my wife is constantly adjusting this access to my son (her computer is not working and she says she doesn't have enough money to fix it, etc).
I'm reliant on her good will to speak with my son (he's three years old).
She threatened me this evening that unless I keep her happy I will "never see my son again". i found out that she received $15,000 from disability, and she has spent $13,000 - mostly on new furniture and a new Mac book excetra. I want to protect myself and gain access to my son. As stated, I'm saving for an attorney. I'm a legal resident but my green card is still contingent on our marriage. My wife has threatened to call the INS and try to have me removed from the country by making allegations against me.
She was recently under the care of a Psychiatrist and has a history of mental disturbance.
She has also walked aawy leaving behind thousands of dolloars in mediacl bills.
I am considering sending her only $600 per month so that I can save faster (based on a child support calculation I found online)  - this resulted in threats - she thinks I should pay her alimony also (even though we're not divorced). I'm concerned for my son,
Please submit any advice. Am I going to have to back pay child support because it's not official?(I do have check copies). Thanks. David