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Messages - mustang

Visitation Issues / Visitation
Mar 14, 2007, 07:59:48 PM
I've been divorced 9 yrs- twin girls 12 yrs old. I have the typical every other weekend and one evening until 8:30 during the week. I have filed 5 contempt of court charges in as many years. As a Pro Se litigant , I'm up against her and her attys. She's never found guilty, either I forgot some mundane info or the judge sends us to a mediator. If I could afford her $75 per hour, I'd have a lawyer. We do have an agreement that my current wife can pick up kids for me when neccesary. Not often. My wife is CP's biggest problem. She has denied my wife from picking the kids up. Charge 1. She denied me a few weeks later  at the gym by saying she only had 1 child with her. The other twin was home. Charge 2. The show cause hearing is in 2 weeks. The usual scene is, CP will start to cry, saying she wants kids to visit with me, then state things that have nothing to do with why we are there. The judge denies the contempt. I'm out a days pay and we are back in mediation! Anybody have any suggestions. I don't want her jailed, just to abide by the agreement as I have done. My wife will be in court to testify if necessary.