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Messages - TheScott

Custody Issues / RE: Almost Father Seeking Help
Mar 20, 2007, 11:37:04 PM
To the person who suggested I walk away.... that has been suggested before, and I simply cannot do it, for a number of reasons.

I couldn't live with myself if I walked away from my son.. for whatever reason. He is going to need me and walking away is not the right way to teach  him how to be a man. I'm not in any way insulting anybody who has done that, because everybody has their situations and their reasons, but I just can't do it.

Another reason is that I already know that I am going to have to be the one to teach him values....and honesty. His Mother will not do it I am sure, so he is going to need love and caring because her family is not like that. They don't talk about their problems and never say I love you....and well, I don't want him to be like that.

The last time we spoke over the phone(almost 4 months ago), she said that she is going to fight for full custody.. stating the fact that she could win for a number of reasons... the fact that I am currently on a drug called Paxil... for anxiety. It's very important that it is listed in my records as anxiety... because it is not depression. He helps me keep my focus. Can she honestly use that again me?

Also, she brought up the fact that my brother, who lives 3000 miles away mind you, is a drug addict. She couldn't possibly use my family as a tool against me, could she?

I'm sorry if these questions are stupid...I just need to know. And thank you to those that responded. I really, truly, appreciate it. I'm hoping that after I get through with this ordeal, I can check in on the boards and offer my experience and advice to those who are in similar situations as I.

Thank you,

Custody Issues / Almost Father Seeking Help
Mar 16, 2007, 02:09:54 AM
Hello all,

I'm new to this, so please bear with me.

I am 23 years old and about to graduate college with a business degree. I started to date a girl and after 2 months, we found out she was pregnant. We tried to make things work, we moved in together, and things just were not going smoothly, so we broke up, but tried to stay rational. We couldn't do that either, and not by choice, I have not spoken with her for 3 months. She is due on April 28th and I would like to know some things.

1) I know I have to get a paternity test because she claimed after 6 months that the child might not be mine. I am almost 99% sure it is mine, though, for various reasons. What is the right way to go about getting this done?

2) What should I do when my son is born? Is there a way to go about establishing my rights and seeing him? I highly doubt she will call me when she goes into labor, because she believes that if she gives me enough grief, I will have nothing to do with my son, but that is not the case at all.

3) At what point do I seek legal representation? Is it too soon now?

4) What are the odds of a joint custody decision?

Any answers, advice, follow-up questions are very much appreciated and welcomed.

Thank you,
