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Messages - lovemykids2

Dear Socrateaser / RE: Custody Evalutions
Mar 19, 2007, 06:22:10 PM

 She wanted it done and it was court-ordered. She moved the children around  7 times in the last 2 years, had them living in a 2 bedroom apartment with 9 other people. She also informed the school and doctors office not to give me any information about them without contacting her first. she said in the report that she wanted to know where the children where at all times. in response to her moving she said she wanted to be closer to her job. The report is full of excuses she gave the evaluator. What I want to know is will it be wise to continue the case.  All of her evidence contradicts itself. So do I still have a shot at giving my children the life that they deserve.

Dear Socrateaser / Custody Evalutions
Mar 19, 2007, 01:39:29 PM
 I had a custody evaluation done and received the report. It states the primary Residential should remain with the mother. I was looking to change custody because she is not doing what she should on her part. Since the case started the childrens grades have improved, Im sure this is because of the case. My question is how heavy are the evaluations in deciding custody. SHould I continue to fight or throw in the towel???
