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Messages - krom71

Visitation Issues / RE: inconvient visitation
Apr 03, 2007, 07:41:29 AM
Yes, paternity has been established through a paternity test, perhaps one of the reasons the mother is so upset with me.

As far as abuse I haven't heard a word about abuse, there was no abuse in the relationship.

The mother and myself were not married, we did share residency for a while.  Relationship lasted for 2 years

The only reason that I did mention the belated christmas is too bring the point across that she is doing everything possible to stop anytime that I might request with the child.  There is no order for visitation but that has been started as of recent.

Yes to the child support, and no to any thing else that has been occuring in the court  system as I have not been able to get into court as her attorney has made every effort to delay any court proceedings.  We are set to goto mediation soon.

I have not been allowed to feed, change or bond with my son in any way, it would seem to me that this would determental in a father-son relationship and wouldn't allow him to bond with his father.  During the limited visitations I was allowed, I was not allowed to care for the child if he needed to be changed I would have to give him to the mother to do this and he would then be returned to me.  When the mother wasn't present for the visitation, her mother (child's maturnal grandparent) would attend to my visitation.  This occured the majority of the times.

According to the order we now are sharing joint custody, however everytime that I request any information about my son, immunization information, doctor visit information...devolopemental information (eating information, activity level) I get only genral and board information such as...he sleeps well...he is eating ok...Doctor visits are o.k.  This information does not indicate how well he is devoloping or if there are any medical issues.

They are now looking at my other son. I have another son from a marriage that ended in divorce.  While his mother and myself do enjoy a truely joint and open parenting schedule, will this effect my time or influence the courts in any time with my infant son?  My fist son's mother and I have no visitation schedule but rather we do enjoy a very fair share division of his times, this is great and we both enjoy a great relationship to our son.

I really don't want to pursue full custody but rather do want my child to know his father.  I feel that he should have the right to get to know his father and have his father in his life.  It would appear to me that this should have started already as keeping him from me is only going to estrange any start of a relationship and cause future difficulties in his acceptance of me. It is my belief that a child should have both a mother and father with him.....when this isn't possible then mother and father should both share in the raising of the child.  I don't want to take him away from his mother, he has a right to know her and have his mom.  By the same token she shouldn't have the right to strip him of his father.  However it wouldn't appear that she is sharing the same views that I am.

Lately there has been the accusation of a sleeping disorder, there is no medical history or diagnoses of this, my attorney says that he feels this is totally unfounded.  Her attorney says they will provide evidence through testimony that would indicate I would not be able to care for a child because of this.  I don't understand how I could be accused of this when there is no diagnoses or history to support it, futher more even my ex-wife will say there is no sleeping disorder.

I have tried to answer any questions that you have asked and to explain things a little more.
I am hoping in doing so I can get some ideas as to how I can change things so that my son can have his dad in his life.
Visitation Issues / inconvient visitation
Apr 02, 2007, 05:33:10 AM
I have recently had all my visitation cancelled because it is too inconvient for the mother.  

I changed my hours at work because it would make it easier for me to get a sitter, and spend time with my son.  Now she is saying that it isn't convient for her to allow me any visitation.  I would like to have full custody of my son, but that matter hasn't come before the court system yet.  As of yet I have had no placement and it has been six months my son is only six and half months old.  

My attorney says that none of this matters...the fact that I have had my visitation decreased to now that I have none, that I have never been allowed placement of my son.  I haven't even been allowed to take him to my parents so that they can see thier grandchild.  I am not allowed to take pictures of him.  She has been nice enough to grant me one photo of my son.

I have tried to arrange for a late christmas for my son without involving the court system but rather just asked it of her.  She said she would consider it then denied this too.

What step would I need to take to gain full custody of my son?
Is it possible that she can do this?
Are thier any resources or documentations that can help me get custody of my son?
If I should get custody how do I start to arrange her visitation, I don't want to take him away from his mother.
Are there any steps that I could use to show this all to the court without looking like I am being vengeful toward her?