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Messages - gabester1

I am sure there is a bunch of great information out on this site. I plan on spending some time when I get home going through all the strings on current situations and laws to see how they apply to me personally.

My situation is that I have 11 yr old and 10yr old boys. I am only 32 years old and their mother is 31.
I have a typical divorce agreement where I pay support monthly and have the kids every other weekend.

My issue is that my children's mother has been married and divorced three times now at age 31 and is working on her 4th marriage.
Both of my kids are sick of moving from one house to another and having different men around every few months. I feel they live in an unstable lifestyle from week to week.

Both of my kids have been asking me have them live with me full time for over 6 months now. They do not mind the adjustment to different schools or the fear of having new friends and living arrangements. They simply want to live with their dad. I would like that more then anything.
I have a very stable life. Good job for over 10 years, been with my wife for 6 years now.

I have brought up to the kids mom the possability of them living with me full time, which she refused immediately. I have not persued this matter futher yet but I know what is in store now that I have communicated to her that our boys want to live with me.

I have a very agressive ex-wife who will begin legally fighting for them to stay with her and raise my current support. I am prepared for her to begin revisiting the amount of support I pay for the kids and any other benifits she can get out of the situation.

More then anything I want to know what my rights are as a good father that has not missed child support.
Do children in Washington State have a legal age they can make such a decision on? I have heard rumors that it is age 12 but do not know.

I would really just like to know what my rights are as a father wanting his kids full time.
thank you in advance for any information or areas you can point me to for help.

 - Gabe (Seattle, WA)