Hello. In reading your post, I am struck by the similarities to your case and what has been going on with my fiance and his now ex-wife for the past almost two years. He was also falsely accused of drug abuse as well as domestic violence. He was given supervised visitation for several months. Upon returning to mediation for a new OSC, the mediator lifted the supervised visitation, but he has been repeatedly denied overnights with his 2 boys (12 and due to a continuous barrage of new allegations by his ex. He has submitted a clean urinalysis, and offered to take a hair follicle test several months ago, however the judge ordered it be at her request and she has since dropped the issue (for now). He is going to court tomorrow on a new TRO she filed based on made up allegations, and after he threatened her with contempt for taking the children out of school early in order to deny him visitation. He also had a lawyer that got him nowhere, except further in debt, and now going it alone.
I would suggest as the other person did, that you go talk to the family law facilitator at your local courthouse, they will advise you on your next steps and help you fill out the appropriate paperwork. From what you are saying, you should have more than enough to get the supervised visits changed, although, you can never be sure. I have found in my experience that, unfortunately, justice does not always prevail. I would also suggest not moving away from the children at least until you get your visitation closer to what you're aiming for. That will definitely work against you. We are also in California, what county are you in?
I would suggest as the other person did, that you go talk to the family law facilitator at your local courthouse, they will advise you on your next steps and help you fill out the appropriate paperwork. From what you are saying, you should have more than enough to get the supervised visits changed, although, you can never be sure. I have found in my experience that, unfortunately, justice does not always prevail. I would also suggest not moving away from the children at least until you get your visitation closer to what you're aiming for. That will definitely work against you. We are also in California, what county are you in?