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Messages - ezmark

How familiar your story is.

My STBX leach is 44 with B.S. in advert. design. Hasn't worked in 9 yrs. Kids 9 & 10. Mentally unstable, couldn't keep min wage jobs and refuses to even try. I know the constant abuse you suffer and the shell of yourself you are now trying to salvage. When you finally speak up for yourself the evil comes forth from her eh. Obviously this type of person has a good ability to disguise or we wouldn't be in this position, one can only hope their next victim shows up soon.

There needs to be an education for men before marriage as to the legal ramifications so prenups become the norm, and I can't seem to find resources in Florida for lobbying changes for father's rights.

Yes the kids are her meal ticket, and her badge and her weapon. She will pander and spoil them if it helps her PAS, or damage their psyche if  it helps her. That is what I mean by evil. For the opportunity to offer the kids an alternative to becoming like that, or worse yet a victim of that like you are, I plan to fight her for sole or as much custody as possible regardless of the cost to me. I helped bring those kids into this world and will not abandon them, I trust God will sort it out in the end.

Be very careful!!! I can only tell you that my leach will do ANYTHING to avoid supporting herself and her parents have created her sense of entitlement by spoiling her. I bought a pocket recorder and inform her it is on every time I enter her presence to defend myself from her false allegations to police.

Since I only net 43K there is not enough money for me to live on CS let alone she wants as much as she can get from assets and SS. I pray I get a judge that will impute income to the leach so that I have enough to live and she has to work and the kids have enough from each of us to live decently. I'm in Florida so I've read all sorts of horror stories, mostly from working dads.

Please post what happens in your court case.