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Messages - pickaguitar

ok...thank you FLMom

Question...I think I've found a great attorney but he costs $7500 up front and depending on how much work he does depends on how much I get back if I choose to end the divorce.  I am not a rich man...mostly live month to month.  Harold Shapiro is his name...Plano TX.  He seems very confident but is very expensive.

Should I shop around does one know when they've got a good attorney that's the right price?  Any suggestions for the Dallas/Plano, TX area?

What about a no-fault divorce?  Apples and oranges?
It has been 2 weeks and one day so far since my wife has left me and/or been separated from me.  There was no seemed to be a fairly pleasant day when she left all of the sudden. kids and I have a great relationship which I'd describe as very loving, healthy and supportive.

We have been together for 6 years & in the last 2 We have have had many things come our way.

1. She was spending money excessively without telling me and thus putting us further into debt.
2. She seemed depressed and/or bipolar...she showed all of the text book signs.
3. I caught her being unfaithful...talking/dating another married man she met at her work.
  (She finally owned up to and said is was wrong and that she was sorry however she didn't seem very forthright about it and wanted move on a little too quickly from it)
4. She lies a lot.
5. We have dealt with deaths of members of our non-immediate family.
6. We've had trouble communicating and went to marriage counseling.

These are just a few of the top things that I can think of for now...

Now her family won't talk to me.  They seem to not be helping the situation in anyway and I don't have a high opinion of them or their decisions.  My wife unfortunately takes advice from them a little too much and does not seem willing to think independently even though she is a 28 year grown woman.  I have no history of abuse nor would I ever.  She has a therapist that she went to once which I was happy about however now the therapist is calling me for phone numbers on how to contact her because she hasn't gone back.

I DO love her and I really love and miss the kids.
So for now I'm wondering if I'm naive to the fact that this is over and I should actually file for divorce or should I hang on hoping for some type of change for the better.

I married her in sickness and in health and I'd like to see her get help if she's sick (bipolar).
I've talked to one attorney who said that there is only divorce I want to find out anything and see my kids.  I'm not sure what to think about that advice.

-Can I possibly find another (good) attorney that can help me see my kids for the time being without pursuing divorce?

Please advise and ask any questions if I left something out.  I am in shock of this situation and feel lost without any info.  I can't understand the makes me think something much bigger is going on here such as her possibly being pregnant from the other man...maybe my mind is working overtime here??