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Messages - shellyna

Custody Issues / RE: What do I do?
Jun 14, 2007, 10:58:16 AM
The proof that I have, has been ruled as her "chosen living conditions."  This includes many vaginal and belly button infections that my duaghter has had, untreated dental issues for my son, and both of them are pshycoligicly screwed up.  My ex tells my kids that "Daddy left them for their step mom"  and "Your step mom is a whore."  When my wife and I lost a baby together, My ex spanked the cildren becuase the started to cry when the found out.  She has choosen to allienate the children from me and this is okay?
Custody Issues / What do I do?
Jun 14, 2007, 10:17:38 AM
My ex-wife and I seperated five years ago and where divorced 2 years ago.  When we seperated, she decided to move from WA to PA, while she was pregnant with our second child.  Shortley ther after I joined the military and went off to my required schools.  Because we were seperated and she and I weren't sure if we could make it work, I was unable to get a house for the kids, and unable to see them except at Christmas.  Now I am remarried and live closer to the kids and want to gain custody of them, becuase I feel I can better care for them.  My ex is claiming that I abandond the children and doesn't want to allow the children over to my house more then the courts require.  I hired an attorney and a GAL and they both sided with my ex.  My wife and I can provide a loving, caring home that is big enough for all of us, (she can't) and have no problems with them seeing their mom.  We don't bad mouth her, as she bad mouths my wife, and we would include her in everything.  However the PA court has told us that we have to prove her unfit in order to get the kids.  What do I do?