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Messages - concernedfather444

Father's Issues / please help me,please
Aug 19, 2007, 07:36:26 PM
           My wife of a year and a half, left with our daughter while I was sleeping. She left without telling me or anything.I have been taking care of my little girl since she was born. My wife and I agreed that I was better with our baby, so she wanted to go to work, while I stayed at home and took care of our 15 month old. Now suddenly after she gets into argument w my mother,she moves in with her father in a town about 30 mins. from our house. After waking up the first thing I did was call her house(she has done this before, but not to this extent). Of course I am crying,and I tell her I will be there as soon as I can do talk to her and so I can see my baby girl.She says I cant.The house that she has my daughter living in is terrible. The main reason she moved in with me was so she could get away from her father. She has confessed to my family and I(and other co-workers) that her father sexually molested her when she lived there.I can barely type,I cant stop crying. Please can someone help me? I do not know what to do.Please help.