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Messages - palmanza13

General Issues / RE: Therapist records.
Aug 22, 2007, 07:47:37 PM
My husband and his Ex are Joint Managing Conservators of their son. We live within 15-20 miles of the therapist. His son started seeing the therapist before I came into the picture but I think my husband said that he did speak to the therapist on his son's first visit, in 2004.

We have sent many letters to this therapist trying to show him my husbands side of things since he has only ever heard from the Ex. In each letter my husband has stated that he would love to be a part of his son's sessions with the therapist but no response.

His son's diagnosis is really unknown to us.  His Ex works as a teacher at their son's school and has everyone there thinking she (and the son) are the innocent party and was always abused. I believe she had one of her friends (another teacher or counselor) at his school state that he has ADHD and dysgraphia but we really dont know.

The Ex is the type to take the son to the Dr. at least 8-10 times a month for really no reason. I would say she has all the signs of Munchausen, or either she uses his "sickness" and trips to the Dr. as a way of denying my husbands visitation with his son.  Being the "always have to document everything" type of person I am, I have saved and turned over to the attorneys each email that the Ex states their son was sick and wouldnt be at visitation. Most of those I have matched up with the Dr. records. Many times he didnt go to the Dr. when she said he did and when he went, there was no "real sickness".
I have received most of the medical reports and the only reason that his sons goes to the Dr is for a cough and yellow/green sinus drainage.

The Ex started denying the visitations when she found out we were recording on video the pick up and drop off on the visitations. I guess she figured it would be hard to get others to believe that their son was screaming and crying and didnt want to go with his father, when the video showed differently!! LOL
The Ex also has a way of telling others that my husband was abusive to her so thats another reason we recorded, was to protect him from her lies...again!

This is all so draining on a do people deal with this for so long!!
General Issues / Therapist records.
Aug 22, 2007, 06:47:32 PM
Thanks to the medical/school request letters I have found on this site, I have been able to obtain the records from my step-sons therapist. (L.P.C.)  It took three certified request and then sending him a copy from the State of Texas website for L.P.C. that states he had 15 days from from written request to get the records to his dad, my husband. So the letters work!!

Since we received the records and read over them. THey are all lies!!  My husband has never spoken with his sons therapist. All of the information that is written on the reports is from the Ex wife. So you know its going to be bad.
We are right now in mediation and going back to court over visitations. She has kept his son from my husband for 6 months! They have only been divorced since July 2006...divorce was filed  in 2004.

From reading the records...there is all the signs of PAS !  Has anyone else had this problem of the records being all one sided, in the Ex's favor?
The Ex has the son, who is 9, telling the therapist that his father spanks him with a open hand, for the duration of 2 minuets!  He has never once spanked him, no need to, he's a good kid that minds with no problems...while he is here with us.

I have made copies to send to our attorney and the amicus attorney. Is there any thing in particular that can be done so that the other attorneys involved will know that these are lies and all one sided from the Ex?

I have tried to find things that I can have  backup documentation for to verify that these are lies. One statement that his son made was that he didn't like our home because it was to close to the RR tracks!  What!!   So I printed a map from the internet and mapped out our home and marked the RR tracks...which in not close to our home.
The Ex has never been to our home and actually I have never even met her even though I have requested on several occasions that we should at least meet each other since Im her son's step-mom.

Sorry for the rambling but when I read these therapist records today...I wanted to throw up!

Thanks in advance!
Visitation Issues / Standard visitation question
Mar 03, 2008, 05:43:47 PM
Im sure this has been stated many times before on this site, but, I cant seem to find it.
My husband has the Standard visitation for the State of Texas for visitation with his son.

Was last weekend ( Feb. 29 to March 2 ) considered the 5th weekend or the 1st weekend?

His decree states the 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays of the month, so I'm thinking this coming weekend, ( March 7 thru March 9th ) is the first weekend in March?

He has one of those "lovely" ex-wifes, and I wouldnt want us to screw up and miss a weekend for not knowing.
