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Messages - mgmills123

Custody Issues / Parenting Evaluation FAQ
Aug 29, 2007, 06:43:15 AM
I've got a PE scheduled in two months. I've read the pages on this website about PE's and am so glad I found it. I am looking for other resources that will help me prepare for the meetings with the counselor. Does anyone have any advice or experiences with a PE?


Custody Issues / RE: Documentation...
Aug 29, 2007, 06:37:53 AM
'...will see you bring in these boxes of stuff...'

I did this and the looks I got were priceless. Then I refuted every one of her charges with my documentation. Everytime she'd accuse something I'd hand a paper to my atty. who would shoot it down based on the proof. After a few of these she was a basket case on the stand. I even carried some up to the stand with me to jog my memory if I needed it. Her atty. objected nearly everytime I used it because he just wanted me to answer instead of researching my answers. The judge shot him down everytime.