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Messages - lonemom

Child Support Issues / RE: disabled child
Sep 02, 2007, 10:37:32 AM
It is the state of Illinois
Child Support Issues / RE: disabled child
Aug 30, 2007, 04:02:41 PM
My daughter is 15 years old. My ex is claiming the son to be disabled so he can get child support from me for the son. This is why he made my son go to court and have him give his father legal guardianship. It stated that my son was unable to care for his self. My son can pick up his high school dilpoma at anytime according to the principal of the school. My son drives a car and has a job.

So when I filed for child support for my daughter and this is when my ex countered sued for handicapped child support.

My attorney wants me to agree to pay for everything for my daughter including college expenses while my ex pays for everything for my son.

The court was ordering a deposition to be done at the school because they would not take the word from my attorney when she spoke with the principal.

My attorney stated that it would cost approximately $3,000 more and that this was an unusual case so I would probably lose anyway.
Child Support Issues / disabled child
Aug 29, 2007, 07:38:29 PM
Where do I start??? Really sad for my children.

My ex maniupulated my son until I finally allowed the child to live with his father so he would not be subject to anymore mental cruelty.

My son is now 19 years old and I am trying to get child support for my daughter.

The father prior to this took guardianship over my son and did not allowed him to graduate from high school. He asked the school to withhold his certicate. He applied for SSI for my son and was denied. SSI denied stating my son was capable of working.

My attorney attempted to make me an agreement. What should I do?