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Messages - erhardra

General Issues / RE: Threats On My livelihood
Sep 04, 2007, 01:04:23 PM
Were you ever advised regarding a PPO to try to stop the unsubstantiated threats?
 I'm hearing two things; my attorney says to document and wait, because she might just be blowing smoke. If she starts, then go for a PPO, etc. Using my documentation to support my case.
The police tell me to go for the PPO now, take the first step, be proactive, rather than waiting around to see if she does anything. My fear with this advice is escalation.
I wish I had visited this site earlier, as I'm already divorced, but we still live in the house as it hasn't sold. Your suggestion on asking for a gag on allegations was right on. Unfortunately, all we got from my ex and her attorney was a verbal promise that the issues and allegations were erroneous.

I feel caught between a rock and a hard spot.
Hopefully, evrything worked out for you?
General Issues / Threats On My livelihood
Sep 03, 2007, 05:23:48 PM
My wife and now ex wife is constantly threatening me because I went to a pornographic website two years ago. She calls me a pedophile and says the world will know, that she has proof. I really wouldn't care, but I'm a high school teacher, and just allegations could cause problems.
Her son attends the school where I teach and she has dropped names of his friends and alluded that tthey know all about me.

She's told me that she has "my life in her hands" and that "I should enjoy my last year teaching".

We still live in the martial home as it hasn't sold and neither of us can afford to move out and support the marital residence too. Though she constantly berates me to move out.

I've filed an informational report with the police detailing her threats, told my boss, and keep a detailed log of when she does this and what is said. I carry a tape recorder and am trying to get her to threaten me on tape. So far, no luck. I also made my attorney aware of this. His idea is to journal everything and see what happens.

I'm trying to hold my head up but I feel she is out to destroy me.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? Or could someone offer a suggestion(s)?