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Messages - ohiodad42

Child Support Issues / child support contempt
Sep 11, 2007, 03:21:13 PM
Wife accused me of domestic violence. I was evicted from my home January 1, 2007. Domestic violence charges dismissed against wife's will July 24. Wife refused me access to any documents which could prove my income and claimed to the courts I make $360,000 per year. Courts ordered me to pay $11,300 in monthly support. I only made $68,000 last year. Received copies of tax returns to show income. Wife filed contempt charges against me. My attorney filed for a DE NOVO hearing to ammend temporary orders. The contempt hearing came first where my attorney showed the courts my tax returns and bank statements. The magistrate said "I see you don't have the income to comply with all you were ordered to pay but I'm holding you in contempt anyway because you paid the wrong bills". What? The wrong bills? I operated a small business from my home which is still at the home I used to live in. My wife has refused to allow me access to the items needed to operate my business. My income is down 75% over last year. I'm freaking out because the magistrate ordered me to spend 7 days in jail or pay roughly $50,000 to wife. I have no money. All our savings was in my wife's name and she's claiming we have no savings.

Any advise???