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Messages - funsun68

Thank you for the advice.  I already ordered Divorce Poison and Children Held Hostage.

My ex-wife lives in Fairfax, Virginia.  They  have been there about five years now.  She filed a registration under the UCCJA and I filed a protest.  When I filed the protest she filed a motion here in Florida for a change of venue.  We are waiting on a date for a hearing for both the motion for contempt and change of venue.

I decided today to pay the attorney for a limited appearance for these issues.  The attorney advised that the registration in Virginia is only for enforcement purposes and that is why she filed a motion here in Florida for a change of venue, which would allow her to change custody and visitation.

I have continued to call my son and leave messages, because they will not answer my calls.  I called his school to try and setup a meeting with his counselor and they refused to get involved.  My son is seeing a child therapist in Fairfax, but he refuses to speak with me for unknown reasons.  I do suspect that my ex-wife has disparaged me to him as with other doctors and my son's teachers and school staff.

I called child protective services in Fairfax and they refuse to do anything also.  I am going to try calling them again though.

Any other ideas?

I live in Florida and my ex-wife and I have joint custody.  She was allowed by the court to move to Virginia, even though I protested.  I am suppose to have liberal access to my son who is ten years old.  I am also suppose to have him every other major holiday and for the entire summer.  She will not send him down here for the entire summer, she told me not to call him anymore because he is angry with me.  I have filed a motion for contempt pro se.  My son told me that he hates me and that I do not care for him and started calling me by my first name and he even told me to stop calling.  This happened on Tuesday the 11th of March.  I am totally heart broken and in despair.  We went through a nasty custody battle and I went broke fighting her and now she has turned my son against me.  An attorney wants $2,000 just for a limited appearance for the contempt hearing, but I don't think that is going to cover it.  Where do I turn now?