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Messages - pablito13

Father's Issues / RE: lesbian parent
Sep 17, 2007, 12:51:39 AM
thank you so much...... i will talk to my lawyer and see that he adds this or at least brings it up and acts on it....

you have been a big help. god bless you
Father's Issues / lesbian parent
Sep 16, 2007, 05:31:19 PM
thank you, for any help / feed back provided..
I have recently divorced my ex wife has already gone through two relationships... my ex wife has realized that she is a lesbian and has a livin girl friend. my 4 year old son sleeps in the same bed room that aperenlty my ex and her girl friend also sleep in ... what is the california state law regarding this tiopic and or how do the courts (custody) see this and have responded on this matter. i dont ask my son any question, id rather beat my self up then put him through an interigation

let me add that the first boy friend after our separation about 2 years ago, was with a pasadena regesterd sex offender  named ROCKY DAVID ESPARZA out of pasadena califonia/ found him on megans