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Messages - scrap_box

Unfortunetly money is a big a facter. Due to my location the closest place for assistance for low income is 2hrs away. I am located in the wrong place for help. Laws schools are 6 hrs away. I have tryed to talk to so many legal aids and atturnorys till I am blue. I did at the beginning of all this hire one, then last month i let them go. You ever get that feel when you know that someone is not putting an effort into the work you know you'll only get the smallest results, But paying out the well you know.

I know that kids grow up in spite of everything that happens. I have a chance to meet my Daughter of 17 yrs.  I have not seen her for 15 yrs. Her mother took her when she was 2yrs and I did not know at that time how to stand up and fight , like I am now.  She is the one that has been giving me part of my strangth to keep fighting. I did not want to happen to me and my daughter happen to me and my son also.

Almost nine months ago the mother and father signed a voluntary affidavit of paternity. Do to the neglect of the child and mother asking father to take child because she was homeless. (Child lived with father for 2 months.) Father refused to give child back to mother and filled papers. Judge granted custody to mother anyway. An officer served a warrant on mother's roommate when the child was 2 1/2 months old, pot and bongs were found in the home. Mother stated she used. Dr's. are concerned about weight loss and neglect. CSD has been notified but they state they must see mother in the act of neglect.(Red Handed) Mother is dening court ordered visitation with father. Mother desires to move out of state. Judge states father not around first 14 months so father has no right to claim full custody. Mother stated he was not the father of her child for that 14 months unless she wanted money. The father feels that the mother and child needs to have a relationship as well but not at the expense of a child's safety.

No one will help. No one wants to hear what I have to say. I have documentation to everything.  All facts and still not good enought.
Now can you tell me is thier anyone that cares about these kids that have to be put threw all this court and still be neglected?

Everyone wants money. Is there not someone that wants to stand up for these kids without being payed and making a fortune off thier parents, when the parents should use that money to care for thier child?