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Messages - diasean

Father's Issues / RE: End of rope
Oct 10, 2007, 01:23:47 PM
Actually, not so much. I knew the day she did it and stopped sleeping with her, but yeah. Good looking out.

what a thought though
Father's Issues / RE: End of rope
Oct 10, 2007, 12:51:34 PM
Thank you both for the words of advice.
I'm trying to find myself a lawyer right now.

The good thing in CT is that I have rights as father regardless of Paternity test due to being married to her mother at the time of birth and for quite a while beforehands.

I am dating someone, funnily enough someone who used to help me watch my daughter from time to time so she already has a good relationship with my daughter. It seemed like a good idea at the time and being with someone who doesn't tell me I'm useless and worthless has been a very good feeling.

Like I said, it's not su moch how much custody I have as in keeping her away from someone I (and others) consider to be dangerous.

Someone sent me an email of his own experience with the man last night. He followed it with the words of I didn't tell you this, I won't testify. TO put it mildly I found myself very frustrated with a sentiment like that. How can anyone knowlingly allow a child to be placed into a dangerous situation?
Father's Issues / End of rope
Oct 09, 2007, 10:21:38 PM
My wife and I separated a few years ago when she fell for another man.
She left him and came back to me and we had a child who's timing was suspect, but not impossible. I love my daughter more than life itself. I've been a stay at home dad for her and recently went back into the workforce.

My wife cheated on me again. 2 men in less than a month. One of which the guy from years ago. A man I consider dangerous as he flies into violent rages frequently according to former room-mates. As recently as this month he threatened to shoot one who was moving out.

So I left my wife and we share custody. I push for a little more time with my daughter every few weeks and I'm up to a few hours on Monday and Tuesday mornings, Over nights on Wednesday into Thursday morning. A few hours in the afternoon on Friday and alternating weekends. I recently asked for Tuesdays also considering on those off weeks I only get her 1 night that week. 6 days in 14 day period doesn't feel like too much to ask for with your own daughter. She disagrees.

On top of this, she's moving my 3 year old daughter into a living arrangement with this man. In his home. Where he threatened to shoot someone. She thinks this is a great idea. I don't. Her friends don't (any who know him, none who do were asked for advice on the decision).

I can't just let her bring my daughter into that situation. I can't risk my daughter getting hurt. What am I supposed to do when she won't listen?

I need advice. I need to make sure that whatever I do doesn't hurt my daughter more than letting them go there, but I honestly fear for her safety in that place.

Money is tight, so up til now I had no lawyer, no lawyer's advice. The divorce was supposed to be clean cut and dried. Now? Obviously not anymore.