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Messages - LT Cole

Father's Issues / RE: End of rope
Oct 10, 2007, 12:59:56 PM
sounds to me like the guy might be frightend of what this guy might do if he found out hes testified to anything in a case where hes already been threatend...

as long as this person your dating has a good relationship with the kid and you guys are happy together that should not be an issue
Father's Issues / RE: I'm lost
Oct 10, 2007, 12:50:23 PM
the great thing about most mood disorders, is that there are medications that can be perscribed that can even out your mood swings and stabalise you.  yes it means taking medication for the rest of your life, but it also means you can get back to being you instead of being someone ruled by a chemical shift of the brain!
Father's Issues / RE: I'm lost
Oct 10, 2007, 10:26:01 AM
get yourself into counseling, this will show your willingness to put forth the effort...and while you may never get your wife back, you can ask for supervised visitation of your children...

if you can prove you want it and are willing to work at it you might just prove to her your worty of that time

good luck
Father's Issues / RE: End of rope
Oct 10, 2007, 10:21:49 AM
all good advice.

The only thing I would add is, if there is any question of paternity as you said in your post there seems to be...
get a paternity test done.

This is important now as it will define many things, but more so may be very important later in this childs life.

I found out the hard way. My Son fell ill very quickly and was rushed into hospital, the Dr's of course asked for a complete medical history of me and his mother to search for genetic possibilities.  Twelve hours later my son had passed away, turned out hed had a severe genetic disorder of the heart that was indeed genetic, for his real fathers side of the family!  Had we had known i wasnt his father, there were medications he could have been given to save his life.

Yes this is an extreem case, especially in this "nothing like that will happen to me" world, but you never know when knowing the truth could save a life.  It was hard to hear that i was not his father, but had we have known he could have been saved.

Good Luck

Oh and if you do seek legal action, be sure to inform them of the question of paternity, they can advise you of any legal rights you have even if your not the childs biological father.

and on a Side note.  you say this man the ex is moving in with is the "other man"?  As in, this man might very well be the childs father, in this case you certainly need to check into a paternity test, because its likely your ex might have told him the child is his and this is why hes agreed to let them move in with him.

Again, something to definatly mention to your laywer.

oh and that whole, noone of the opposite sex when kids over dont say if your currently seeing anyone (i started seeing my new wife of 6 yrs now only 2 weeks after my wife threw me out of the house perminently)  it kind of puts a severe shutter on when you will be able to see that person...especially if you try for 50/50 custody.  
It works both ways.
Father's Issues / RE: I'm lost
Oct 10, 2007, 12:50:23 PM
the great thing about most mood disorders, is that there are medications that can be perscribed that can even out your mood swings and stabalise you.  yes it means taking medication for the rest of your life, but it also means you can get back to being you instead of being someone ruled by a chemical shift of the brain!
Father's Issues / RE: I'm lost
Oct 10, 2007, 10:26:01 AM
get yourself into counseling, this will show your willingness to put forth the effort...and while you may never get your wife back, you can ask for supervised visitation of your children...

if you can prove you want it and are willing to work at it you might just prove to her your worty of that time

good luck
Father's Issues / RE: End of rope
Oct 10, 2007, 10:21:49 AM
all good advice.

The only thing I would add is, if there is any question of paternity as you said in your post there seems to be...
get a paternity test done.

This is important now as it will define many things, but more so may be very important later in this childs life.

I found out the hard way. My Son fell ill very quickly and was rushed into hospital, the Dr's of course asked for a complete medical history of me and his mother to search for genetic possibilities.  Twelve hours later my son had passed away, turned out hed had a severe genetic disorder of the heart that was indeed genetic, for his real fathers side of the family!  Had we had known i wasnt his father, there were medications he could have been given to save his life.

Yes this is an extreem case, especially in this "nothing like that will happen to me" world, but you never know when knowing the truth could save a life.  It was hard to hear that i was not his father, but had we have known he could have been saved.

Good Luck

Oh and if you do seek legal action, be sure to inform them of the question of paternity, they can advise you of any legal rights you have even if your not the childs biological father.

and on a Side note.  you say this man the ex is moving in with is the "other man"?  As in, this man might very well be the childs father, in this case you certainly need to check into a paternity test, because its likely your ex might have told him the child is his and this is why hes agreed to let them move in with him.

Again, something to definatly mention to your laywer.

oh and that whole, noone of the opposite sex when kids over dont say if your currently seeing anyone (i started seeing my new wife of 6 yrs now only 2 weeks after my wife threw me out of the house perminently)  it kind of puts a severe shutter on when you will be able to see that person...especially if you try for 50/50 custody.  
It works both ways.