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Messages - stefania01


Hello Eveyone,

Thank you, Thank you so very much for the prompt response.  I apologize that I did not state my case clearly.  I just noticed that.  I am sorry.  I guess since I have been so stressed out this is my only excuse.

In my Maryland Divorce Decree there is not statement about child support stating support continues after 18 for college. So I spoke with an attorney in Maryland who pretty much told me I should just "FORGET ABOUT IT" that I have no chance, because in Maryland after 18 emancipation is the law and the other parent is not obligated to help pay for college.  What I am trying to prove in court, is that my daughter is still a dependent she is a full time student with no job and still needs Financial help for books, tution etc.

God knows I am up for the Battle.  "May the Good Lord Lead Me"



       Hello Everyone,

   I need some real help.  My daughter is 18 a fulltime student in college.

Her father lives in Maryland.  I am being told so many diffrent answers and pretty much that my Daughter after 18 is on her own. She lives in NJ and attends college in Conneticut.

Any advice or anyone know of a good lawyer in Maryland that handles these type of cases??? I would relaly appreciate it!!

I am new to this Forum. Hoping to get help and also if I can be of any help to the Forum Community.

God Bless..