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Messages - lauren-c

Custody Issues / RE: Mist is right...m
Dec 05, 2007, 11:43:46 AM
He uses them most of the time when it's not interfering with his social life.  My daughter has grown up with my fiancee she knew him before she knew her bio-father.  She sees him more and has a stronger relationship.  She also refers to my fiancee as Daddy and her bio-father by his first name.  

If you tell her that her bio-father is her father she says no and says my fiancee is her father.  She was not told this from us.  

I would not cut off communication with her Bio-father as much as I feel he is a bad influcence it is up to her to make up her mind about him.

As for his family she is only allowed to see his son, her half brother.
Ok I wasn't sure since  I have the sole,physical, and legal custody of my daughter he only gets to see her 4hrs a month as his only right to her.  Thanks for the help
I have sole, physical, legal custody of my daughter with her biological father only seeing her with court ordered supervised visits 2 Saturdays a month.  My fiancee who has been helping me raise her since her 1st birthday (she is now 6) would like to adopt her after we get married.  We live in Massachusetts, does anyone know where I should even begin? Do I have to get permission from her biological father when he only has visitation rights and I have sole,physical,legal custody?