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Messages - Marine mom

The report didn't name the disorder, only that the interviewer feels that the mom shows signs that she may have an underlying personality disorder. Even when shown documentation she "develops a story with no basis in fact" to explain issues that have come before the court. There is no way she would take a test of any kind, she doesn't have problems but my son and his entire family have been diagnosed "bipolar" by her..and she is a CNA so she knows the signs! That is a direct statement made by her to family court. She even told the interviewer that their son, 20 months old at the time, that he shows signs of being bipolar. I just need to know the legality of the attorney demanding payment, we have been paying $250.00 a month for 2 years, before he will go forward with the case or allow another attorney to take the case. I think the attorney is a "mom supporter" and should have told my son months ago to see a different attorney.  He was genuinely shocked when the family court recommendation came out and then quickly made this demand for payment.
Mom is a habitual liar. She couldn't even keep her lies straight in the 2 hour family court interview. The family court psychologist that did the interview made the recomendation in his report. But Washington state allows her to demand a trial if she disagrees with the report. Lawyer says that could run into another $5,000.00 huge for my son & us, no problem for her and her boyfriend, a 65 year old widower she met at a nursing home where she was a caregiver to a family member. She is 25.
I don't understand how young dads are supose to be able to provide for a child & pay huge attorney bills. He is already working so much that he hardly gets to see his boy on his visitation days as he has to sleep sometime.
We want to get a new one but have been told until this one is paid off  another Attorney won't touch it. My son says the same thing about the 13K but he was left with bad credit after she walked out. So no place will loan to him.  I agee we are fumbling around & my complaint is not with the system but with the Attorney that told my son he couldn't get custody & dragged this out two years only to be surprised himself when family court recomended it.  Guess I was just wanting to know if holding my son's case hostage by his attorney is doing is legal.
My son has been fighting a second war after returning from Iraq. It has been 2 years and $13,000.00 to an attorney but the exwife still has their son. Family court in Washington state made the recommendation HE have custody and she have limited visitation, but because he owes so much to the Attorney that has said for 2 years "fathers never get custody" he can't afford to get the family court report into the Judge. In Washington even if family court makes the recommendation it has to be approved by a judge so the EX is insisting that it go to trial. He is being held hostage by his Attorney. She has a boyfriend paying her legal bills! I feel his Attorney has never really represented his interests, but was able to keep my son believing he was doing everything he could. He needs suggestions on how to proceed. This is the very first divorce & custody issues our family has had to deal with. Obviously we have NOT done it right or he wouldn't owe the Attorney thousands & still not have custody. He offered shared custody, but family court only wants her to have limited visitation because of a personality disorder she has. Background info: he met her on the internet shortly after he was back from Iraq. He was doing the internet match sites. She wanted to get married ASAP. He knew her a whole 2 months before the "I dos" and family had not met her. They had agreed no babies for a year, but since he left the birth control up to her...surprise, "it must not have worked" she said. But we love our grandson.