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Messages - flea2825

Thank for all of your reply's and support. All I can do now is get her out of my life for good and move on with my life
I have done all that already. She went to a place in NYC. I called the number that showed up on my bill and took a trip there to find out. She did have it done. The place she went can do it up to 24 weeks. As for the bill by law since she is still my wife I am responsible not her. I have already asked my lawyer. Since then I have cancelled everything. But I still have to pay the bill. The law says she can run up all my credit cards if she wants and when it comes time to pay I am responsible since she has no job or money. It cost $600 dollars. If she was further than 15 weeks it would have been a hundred more. They said Its a hundred dollars more for every week. So if she were 18 weeks would have cost $900. They also said there is nothing they can do because by law its her body and I have no say until that baby is born. So she could do whatever the hell she wants with her body including having an abortion.
I know she got it done because I got stiffed with the bill. My lawyer said since I am her husband I am responsible for her bills. So she charged it. Now I have to pay for it.
Thank you for your reply's but as of this weekend she made sure that there is no baby. So now I guess I can file no fault divorce or get an anullment because she didn't keep to her side of the bargain per say.
My wife and I are getting divorced. We have not been married a long time and we know its not going to get better. She has a 3year old daughter from another guy. Now when she found out she was pregnant she didn't want to keep it because she said she could not handle it. Since then she has made up and changed her mind a dozen times. She want's me to consider adoption. I can't do that knowing I have a child and someone else is rasining that child. But she said she will not let me have the child. She would rather have it her self and either get child support from me and for me to be in that child's life. Or for her to just dissapear and never let me see my child. I fear for my unborn child's well being. She still smoke's and she is 4 months pregnant. She has not been a very healthy person with this whole thing. So I asked her about abortion but she can't handle that. Now she can't handle one child on her own and she knows she can't handle 2. She has no job, no money, no car, and she lives with her parents. Now since we split  I too had to move back home for a short time. However her moving there is permnant where as mine isn't. Also her parents are moving to minnesota and she plans to go there with them. In that case I asked her what about the baby she said she would move out there and forget this ever happened and live off of mommy and her step father. Mentally she is unstable. My wife changed when she put on the ring. I have seen things now I have never seen before. Can I take her to court and gain full custody of my child? I know there is nothing I can do until that child is born. But once the child is born is It possible for me to gain custody???