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Messages - Kevin916

Custody Issues / Might be mine
Jan 24, 2008, 07:11:11 PM
I'm 22 and recently out of encarceration.  I've gotten my life back on track and am doing well.  When I was released, I was told by an old fling that her daughter is actually our daughter.  I was excited and scared all at the same time.  Even now, two months later, the mother won't allow me to see the child.  She won't even tell me where she is so I can go pick her up.  I don't know what my options are.  She says my name is on the birth certificate, but I don't know for sure.  I am in a position that I am ready for a custody battle if necessary.  Also, the mother isn't raising the child.  The child is with her grandmother.  I want my baby if it's mine.  How do I start this process?  Any help would be GREAT.