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Messages - jayteller80

thanks all. you've been quite helpful
thanks for the advice. I am making the best  of it but I feel beat down daily because I am not one to get angry and show it. I am very controlled thus far because I feel my end goal, shared custody and time, ar the principle needs for my daughter and I just focus on that
I am recently in litigation with wife and we ave 8 week old daughter who is breastfeedibng. the set up was not so bad as I was taking my daughter to my parents house for visits and now a law guardian has ordered the court to only allow me to see our daughter at marital residence where I feel uncomfortable. my wife is ordered to leave the house during this time but I question why we regressed.
I am looking for evidence that supports importance of infants beginning transition from home to home early on that states it is better for their adjustment and own physical and mental health.
' I will take any help or other online recommendation of resource and articles that favor fathers.
thank you