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Messages - EmeraldStorm

I'm here posting today to help my brother-in-law.  His son is 13 years old, and has always lived with his mother.  Two days ago, my brother-in-law got a call from his son ... begging to come live with his dad.  5 weeks ago, the boys mother sent him to live with her ex-boyfriend in Louisiana (we are all in Ohio).  Mother never said anything to father before she did this.  Mother is on drugs, and knows she cannot care for the child, but never approached father to care for the child.

My brother-in-law is frantic ... he doesn't know the man his son is with ... doesn't know his last name, or even exactly where in Louisiana he is.  Today, brother-in-law went to file emergency temporary custody papers in the county where mother lives, and also the county the child support order is through.  Their divorce was filed in another county (3 hours away) ... and we're lost.  The county he went to today won't accept the papers, and yet they advised that he file kidnapping charges on the man his son is with ... but how does one go about doing that?

We really need some advice and guidance.