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Messages - mrfxst08

Father's Issues / RE: Visitation with my daughter
Mar 05, 2008, 08:36:40 PM
Thanks for the info.  Hopefully, this will put an end to my ex causing interference between me and my daughter, but if not, at least I can protect myself and help to build a case against her when she tries to take me to court again.  Thanks again
Father's Issues / RE: Visitation with my daughter
Mar 02, 2008, 05:54:06 PM
Thanks for the information.  Are you saying that I can file the motion to compel and the Motion for Contempt on my own without an attorney?
Father's Issues / RE: Visitation with my daughter
Mar 02, 2008, 11:28:17 AM
The court order states every third weekend of the month however she does not return my phone call so I can make arrangements for time etc to meet to pick up my daughter.  How do I go about changing the parenting plan and filing contempt?  I don't have an attorney because basically with paying support and driving out there when I can see her takes alot of my money that I can't afford an attorney.  Can I file contempt on my own or does that require an attorney?
Father's Issues / Visitation with my daughter
Mar 02, 2008, 08:36:51 AM
Well, I need some advice because I pay my child support and there is a custody agreement, but my ex is not following it.  I live 400 miles from my daughter and travel to see her once a month if her mom answers the phone that I can make arrangements to come out to see her.  Then if I do get the opportunity to see her I get about 6 hours with my daughter.  I am at my ex's mercy.  

It's funny how if I wouldn't pay my support, I would eventually face consequences.  Where is the justice that she can decide when I can see and talk to my daughter who is 4 now, but will be 5 on Monday?  

I don't know where to start or what I have to do to change this?  Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?