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Messages - pinktulip

Custody Issues / RE: Causing Drama
Apr 07, 2008, 08:04:22 PM
I understand the issues this can cause, as I am a single parent to a 6 and 10 year old and our weeknight evenings are jammed packed with dinner, baths, and homework.

However, as I read your post.... I think she's doing this because she has lost control of *everything* else in regards to the children she gave birth to.  

But also, I think 10 minutes is fair.
"SHE should be paying ME for the expenses of the home which she also owns AND for the debt SHE created!!!!"

You own the home jointly?

Perfect.  I hope you have equity?  

If so, sell the house, pay off the debts, split the profit equally, you said she worked 2 jobs?  Good, she's not entitled to alimony then if she's got a steady work history.  You'll pay child support and get a visitation schedule to see your daughter (unless you can prove she's an unfit mother or she agrees to give you full physical custody, I'm afraid I don't see how you would be awarded FPC).